
The combination of the two previous phases, inventory and reconciliation, allows to recreate a perfect alignment between physical and accounting realities. However, it is also necessary to provide a maintenance process which, over time, properly handles new inputs, movements and disposal of items. In order to pursue this goal, the Client can choose two different paths: a full-outsourcing solution, where all activities are outsourced through periodical inspections to Censit or, as an alternative, it can adopt processes, hardware and software devices (provided by Censit) which allow to operate independently with the company’s own staff (in this case Censit will support the Client defining procedures already extensively tested and training the internal staff to make it independent and to avoid any conflicts of responsibility).

In case the Client decides to fully outsource the audit/maintenance activities, through inspections that will have to be scheduled based on each single needs (annual, half-year or two-year inspections, sectioning of the entire perimeter into lots to be reviewed every three years, etc.), Censit will be responsible for all activities of inventory update and, consequently, of the alignment between physical and accounting situation, relieving the Client from all duties.

In particular, the outsourcing process, whose goal is to periodically rebuild a “situation zero”, may concern:

  • Update of assets inventory
  • Labelling of new assets
  • Update of physical and accounting reconciliation
  • Auditing
  • Reports
  • Analysis of discrepancies
  • Verification of movements
  • Verification of divestments/disposals
  • Verification of preexisting inventories
  • Verification of existing procedures and relative correct application
Data migration

Besides all the inventory, reconciliation or audit/maintenance activities, Censit will provide, as well as a final report containing all methodologies applied and results obtained, a fully customizable data trace which may be used, depending on the operational choices of the Client, for the following purposes:

  • Set up an upload batch file that allows to automatically update the Client’s fixed asset list in any of its accounting systems (SAP, Oracle, AS400, Zucchetti, Microsoft, …)


  • Populate the fixed asset management software (C-Track) that the Client eventually decides to implement in order to overcome the operational restrictions imposed by its ERP.